Best Practice Program
Only together, we can turn the tides in an ever shrinking space for humanitarian action and human rights in general – within Europe, at its borders and beyond. We believe, exchange and sharing of knowledge is key to a resilient network, able to LeaveNoOneBehind. This is why we started our “best practice program”. Register now!
For whom is the program & what is included?
The LeaveNoOneBehind best practice program comes with several offers, described below, some of which are for initiatives and others for individuals, active in the field of migration and human rights, within Europe, at it´s borders or beyond. We will offer a set of introductor workshops, the “best practice 101s” that are open for interested people already active or that want to become active in the future. Furthermore if you already formed an initiative or project, you can apply for our mentoring program “activists:train:activists or you can just call one of our mentors during the LeaveNoOneBehind clinic.
What is the LeaveNoOneBehind best practice program ?
The LeaveNoOneBehind best practice program offers a training, skill-share and mentoring program to partners of LeaveNoOneBehind, interested initiatives in the field of migration or antifascism and to interested activists, aid workers and human rights defenders.
All the initiatives in the network of LeaveNoOneBehind are different, however often we are facing the same problems, be it in terms of project management, media relations, fundraising or operational planning – or be it internal conflicts that are challenges to our work.
The idea of the LeaveNoOneBehind best practice program is to learn from each other, therefor we come together online to exchange, or we send our mentors to your initiative.
best practice 101*
101 stands for the first course in the first year of college and is slang for basic knowledge and introductory material on a specific topic. We summarize, in short online workshops and handouts, basics and tips & tricks on various topics. Fill out the form and register for a course, please note that the number of participants per course is limited. We will schedule at least one course each month, the topics with most interesst will be prioritized.
management & organisation:
from the idea to the implementation
The idea of this course is to provide an overview of different ways to organise and communicate within a project. We will not tell you what to do, but we will talk about different ways to build structures, you can then discuss and find the best way for your initiative.
We will provide a list of links for further learning and implementation. Furthermore we will talk about some typical traps in administration and communication, and we will share some small tricks to make daily life easier.
Topics which will be covered in one evening each:
- project management
- organisational structure & development
- charitable status & administration
- feedback culture
- conflict management & mediation
- basics of logistics
public relations
Public relations are key to a successful operation. Good PR can boost the impact of a project, both politically & financially, on the other hand small mistakes can lead to big shitstorms.
Of course some creativity and expertise in your field of work is a premiss, but we will offer some ideas on how you can improve your external communication & fundraising.
Topics which will be covered in one evening each:
- fundraising
- Social Media
- press work
- interview training
- event management
crisis management
Working in a field where we try to reduce the impact of crises on others with our operations, crises can also happen within the organisation. Be it an accident, be it a shitstorm, criminalisation or an assault on a field team.
To learn about how to react to such a situation is the aim of this course, and to give you some ideas on hand, how you can set up crisis structures to make your initiative resilient.
Topics which will be covered in one evening each:
- crisis communication
- critical incident management
- burn out prevention & psycho social emergencies
operational planning & deployments to foreign countries
If you aim for a deployment abroad both as an individual, or as an organisation, you are right in this course. We will provide an overview on what to think of, what to prepare for and how.
Topics which will be covered in one evening each:
- prepare for deployment (individual)
- prepare for deployment (as organisation)
- Communication & Briefings in operation & duty of care
- First aid in the field
LeaveNoOneBehind skill-shares
Through our work with various organisations and projects, which could not be more different, we have found that although the respective forms of action and organisation differ significantly, the same problems occur again and again, be it in project management, administration or deployment. Also often internal conflicts are more challenging then the actual work. This is why an exchange on these topics can be fruitful as by learning from each other, we grow together.
The LeaveNoOneBehind skill-shares, are one day workshops, in wich employees or activists of different partners meet and exchange on a topic – together we will work through different szenarios and learn from each others approaches.
We aim to provide skill-share workshops every 2 months, we prioritize according to registrations.
You can state your interest in one or more of the following topics by filling out our form.
- organisation and administration
- public relations and fundraising
- project management
- conflict talks and feedback culture
- operational planning and humanitarian logistic
- criminalization
![DSC07396 LeaveNoOneBehind Team](https://cdn.lnob.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/DSC07396-scaled.jpg)
With our activists:train:activists mentoring program, we try to support selected projects in their development. The consultation initially consists of an introductory meeting (online) in which the exact needs are determined and a plan for the support is proposed. Normally, mentoring involves interviewing employees, on-site visits and mentoring in the field as well as workshops to develop a future strategy. During the initial call and through your application we will find out about the individual need of your organisation and come up with a plan how we can support. The mentor can also help with setting up a specific sub project or give advice in a crisis situation.
Please write us a short paragraph (about 3000 characters), what you want to get the mentoring for and if it is rather strategic development or crisis resolution.
LeaveNoOneBehind clinic
The LeaveNoOneBehind clinic is a weekly consultation hour that is open to partner organisations for short consultations, to which they can turn with current problems, we then try to help through our network or with a short consultation session.
The clinic is also open to new initiatives, or individuals that are about to set up a project if there are enough capacities of our mentors. Clinic hours are every sunday from 18:00 CET to 21:00 CET and every wednesday from 18:00 CET to 21:00 CET – please write your request for a call to bestpractice@lnob.net and we will call back.