Donate Now!
#LeaveNoOneBehind is solidarity in action for people on the move! We take action where states fail to act.
We do not simply watch as human lives are put at risk by slow, bureaucratic processes. We do not simply watch how the policy of closure of Fortress Europe at the external borders costs tens of thousands of lives and how people are deprived of their rights and treated inhumanely in camps.
With our work we put pressure on German politics to take responsibility and finally change something!
Your donations will be used for the #LeaveNoOneBehind campaign: For our own projects, as well as for funded projects and organizations that provide urgently needed support at the EU’s external borders and refugee routes.
Our call to #LeaveNoOneBehind is a call to action together. Now is the moment to act.
We demand #LeaveNoOneBehind! Donate now!
Your donation helps
With your donation, our Team Greece can support the supply of people in the camps in Greece.
With your donation, our team can evacuate people out of the Ukraine.
With your donation, our team at CivilMRCC can improve the coordination of civilian sea rescues.
Donate now by bank transfer
Account holder: civilfleet-support e.V.
IBAN: DE84430609672076294200
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Reason for payment: LNOB
Here you can find our annual reports
Questions about donating?
You can find more information about donating in our Donation FAQs
Deine Spende wird effizient eingesetzt
Deine Ansprechperson: Tilly
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