Free the Pylos 9!
Your 9 euros for the Pylos 9

“In this particular case we had hundreds of deaths, a very, very sad event, for which responsibility should be placed where it really is and not on some scapegoats. Not to 9 poor people. What happened was caused by the actions of the Greek Coast Guard.” Alexandros Georgoulis, lawyer from the Pylos 9 Defense Team

14 June marks the anniversary of the Pylos shipwreck, in which over 600 people lost their lives. But instead of a proper investigation into what happened in Greek waters with the help of the Greek coastguard, gruelling legal proceedings have been underway for a year now against nine survivors of the accident who were chosen at random.

And that’s why we need you now!

On 21 May 2024, the trial of Pylos 9 will take place in the court in Kalamata. The absurdity, injustice and inhumanity of this procedure are indescribable. And that is why we do not allow this process to take its course behind closed doors, but instead:

we name those responsible, loudly and publicly, until they are held accountable

Collect donations for the lawyers team of the Pylos 9, so they can continue their work and prevent the injust fate

Stand with us on the side of the accused and support the team now with your 9 euros for thePylos 9!

With every contribution from you we can support the campaign #It_is_our_duty and can thereby help to finance thelawyers of the 9 accused refugees.

Help us to collect 38.000 euros, so the lawyer costs are fully covered and the Pylos9 can be freed!

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Donate now by bank transfer

Account holder: Civilfleet-Support e.V.
IBAN: DE84430609672076294200
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Intended use: Pylos 9


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