Press release – Freedom for Homayoun

Homayoun Sabetara has been innocently kept in prison in Greece for more than three years. Like thousands of others, he is unlawfully accused of driving his own getaway car across the Greek border to apply for asylum. Ahead of his appeal trial on 24 September, 70 organizations, including LeaveNoOneBehind, Borderline Europe and Sea-Watch, are calling for his release and an end to the criminalization of refugees in Europe.

The shipwreck of Pylos – 1 year on

One year after the deadliest shipwreck in the Aegean to date and in the history of migration to Europe in recent years, we are not only looking back on a year of incomplete and insincere processing of the events. Also, the grueling legal proceedings against the 9 defendants who were held responsible for the disaster are coming to an end.

Human Rights Legal Project

The Human Rights Legal Project (HRLP) is a legal aid organisation that combats human rights violations against refugees in Greece through legal representation, advocacy and public relations work and takes action against the criminalisation of refugees at the EU's external border.

LeaveNoOneBehind Best Practice Programm

The LeaveNoOneBehind Best Practice Program offers partners of LeaveNoOneBehind, interested initiatives in the field of migration or anti-fascism as well as interested activists, helpers and human rights defenders a training, skill-sharing and mentoring program.

Mushkila Kabira

Mushkila Kabira is the English transliteration of an Arabic phrase meaning ‘big problem’. This is the phrase its founders heard when they began volunteering in Greece, and it's the perfect way to introduce what sparked the creation of the Mobile Info Team itself. Mobile Info Team is a volunteer organization that provides information to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Greece and other European countries about the asylum procedure and other relevant issues. The team also supports individual cases, mainly in family reunifications, but also, for example, in the preparation for the asylum hearing or applications for integration measures. In addition, Mobile Info Team collects testimonials from asylum seekers to support their rights through public relations.

Infomobile Greece

Infomobile is an anti-racist direct democratic organization with people from different backgrounds that has been active in Greece for more than a decade. They meet people walking in the streets, squares and outside the camps, both on the Aegean islands and on the mainland. They share and exchange information in non-hierarchical meetings and create resources that are freely shared. Also they support individuals with legal advice and, in emergencies, legal aid to fight against discriminatory and dysfunctional procedures and repressive laws that put people behind bars, hinder access to international protection and shelter, expose children to dangers that keep families and regular residents apart with no prospects for the future. The focus of their work is to support the struggle of those who come to Greece for their right to stay and legal ways out of Greece, such as family reunifications.

Lesvos Solidarity

Lesvos has become a test center where EU governments and institutions test harmful asylum and migration policies and practices. It is crucial to document and denounce the harmful effects and consequences of these policies and practices on the lives of the people of Lesvos and to strengthen their voices from the root. In the current context, the Lesvos Solidarity Movement seeks to expand its advocacy and outreach efforts. This project aims to support the Lesvos Solidarity Movement in its efforts to combat these inhumane policies by ensuring better coordination between key actors on the ground and building proactive strategies and collaborations across Europe.

Equal Rights Beyond Borders

Human rights violations against refugees at the Greek borders are becoming more severe every year. Equal Rights Beyond Borders is a Greek-German human rights organization that stands by the side of those seeking protection and supports them legally in their fight against undignified living conditions in the refugee camps, or against unlawful detention and illegal deportations. Among other things, ERBB finances the salary of a lawyer in Athens through our donations.

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