940 people disappeared on Lesbos

May 27, 2023

coast guard boat lesvos

940 people who arrived on Lesvos within the last year are untraceable. What exactly happened to them is unclear. But for years, reports of masked men illegally abducting people and abandoning them at sea have been mounting. In some cases, the men even pretend to be doctors from the organization Doctors Without Borders in order to make the people seeking protection believe that they are safe – before they are kidnapped and robbed.

The violence on Lesbos escalates. Just last week, food for nearly 600 people was cut from one day to the next. This is all part of the EU’s policy of deterrence and is politically intended to make escape routes even more dangerous than war zones from which the people come.

We stand behind the demand of Médecins Sans Frontières: Greek authorities must investigate the reports of hundreds of missing people, investigate them and finally create safe and humane reception conditions for those who are on Lesvos.

More info and @doctorswithoutborders ‘ demands here: https://www.msf.ch/de/neueste-beitraege/pressemitteilung/lesbos-940-schutzsuchende-seit-juni-2022-verschwunden-situation

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