Parea Center LNOB Greece

#LeaveNoOneBehind is solidarity in action for people on the move!

We become active where states fail to act – at the EU’s external borders and beyond.
Find out where we’re active….

LNOB Greece, Parea Center Lesvos, picture of Zainab

Where we are active


Kalamata: Request for recovery of the ship and recovery of the remains of the wreck of Pylos by relatives of missing persons

July 6, 2023|

The lawyers of the relatives of the missing persons of the deadly shipwreck in Pylos, Maria Papamina (Greek Council for Refugees), Eleni Spathana (Support for Refugees in the Aegean) and Yannis Kastanos, came to the Prosecutor's Office of Kalamata today and submitted on their behalf a request for the lifting of the ship and the recovery of the bodies from the seabed.

We take action where states fail to act.

#LeaveNoOneBehind is solidarity in action for people on the move.

About Us

Solidarity in action with #LeaveNoOneBehind means: We support people on the move and initiatives who do the same.
We try to react quickly in crisis situations and provide a platform for active initiatives and organizations at the EU’s external borders and beyond.

Check out our latest annual report from 2021.


#LeaveNoOneBehind is solidarity in action for people on the move!

We take action where states fail to act.

Take action

Take a look at the various campaigns we have run to raise awareness about the situation of people on the move, to call politicians to action, and to raise funds for LeaveNoOneBehind and our partner organizations.


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Deputy tool

With our deputy tool you can easily put pressure on the government. We formulate the demands and you send them off to your respective deputy.

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