LeaveNoOneBehind Best Practice Programm

The LeaveNoOneBehind Best Practice Program offers partners of LeaveNoOneBehind, interested initiatives in the field of migration or anti-fascism as well as interested activists, helpers and human rights defenders a training, skill-sharing and mentoring program.

Civil Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre

The Civil Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (civilMRCC) is a coordination and documentation platform for emergencies and dangerous situations in the Mediterranean Sea. The civil MRCC aims to promote more efficient communication between the many different organizations and networks involved in search and rescue operations and, through a geo-information system, to pool information and thus contribute to better coordination of maritime emergencies.

Safe Passage Fund

The Safe Passage Foundation Fund finances the work of smaller organizations and projects to support people on the move, including, for example, practical humanitarian aid or legal advice. A part of the donations received by LeaveNoOneBehind is forwarded to the Safe Passage Foundation. Funds are allocated by a rotating panel of volunteer representatives from human rights and sea rescue organizations. This has various advantages: A high level of expertise, different perspectives due to different focal points of work, as well as legal certainty due to the administrative work of the GLS Trust.

LNOB Team Greece

Due to the extremely confusing and chaotic situation on Lesbos after the fire of the Moria camp, Civilfleet-Support e.V. decided to set up a small and agile team on Lesbos. This ensured that the collected donations would reach the people and partner organizations quickly and efficiently. Since then, a structure has been created which today, together with European volunteers and people on the move, makes the following projects possible: a Free Shop with hygiene articles, a laundry service and a clothing distribution for men, women and children.

Ukraine Info Hub

The LNOB Ukraine Info Hub works on the structured expansion of humanitarian aid for our partner organizations and the civil population in Ukraine. In cooperation with various German organizations, we acquire in-kind and financial donations in Germany to sustainably support organizations and platforms in Ukraine and the border regions. This involves, for example, the delivery of larger volumes of food, hygiene articles and medicines.

LNOB Support Structure

The LNOB support structure sees itself primarily as a support for a civil society movement that advocates for a different asylum policy. A small full-time team provides support to progressive partner organizations through an administrative infrastructure, in organizational development, or through joint fundraising campaigns.

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