Contact and Counseling Center for Refugees and Migrants (KuB)

The Contact and Counseling Center for Refugees and Migrants (KuB) is a non-profit association in Berlin. The KuB supports refugees and migrants from all over the world and advises on questions regarding asylum and residence rights. Support is also provided for psychological and social problems. The funding enables the organization of German courses and leisure activities for precarious migrants.

The Shower Box

We operate a Community Center on Lesvos, with 40 hot water showers, consisting of four containers with ten showers each. Also, there is a container with toilets. In addition to providing urgently needed shower and washing facilities in general, the project also serves to treat itch mites, which are currently spreading in the camp on Lesvos. It is also an important contribution to protecting the privacy of the people in the camp.


Alliance4Ukraine is a coordinating alliance of civil society organizations, foundations, government institutions, and businesses. The goal of the alliance is to create an ecosystem of interlocking solutions to the needs of people on the move. The supporting organizations from the Alliance4Ukraine want to strengthen existing - primarily civil society - structures in Germany that can, in particular, enable or facilitate the reception of people on the move.


Wefugees answers questions from refugees with an online community and is now organizing on short notice online support for refugees from Ukraine.

Nachbarschaft e. V.

"Freiwillig Helfen" (FH) is a Berlin based network for refugees with a focus on integration assistance. Founded by volunteers from a Berlin emergency shelter, it provides non-partisan and non-denominational aid wherever help is urgently needed. In response to the war in Ukraine, FH has reactivated the "Volunteer Planner", which was already used in 2015 to successfully coordinate and organize tens of thousands of helpers across Europe. It is a non-commercial open source tool by volunteers for volunteers to easily and efficiently organize thousands of helpers.

Arrival Aid

Arrival Aid is currently building capacity to support people upon arrival from Ukraine to quickly access jobs, education, and society.

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