LNOB Team Greece
Due to the extremely confusing and chaotic situation on Lesbos after the fire of the Moria camp, Civilfleet-Support e.V. decided to set up a small and agile team on Lesbos. This ensured that the collected donations would reach the people and partner organizations quickly and efficiently. Since then, a structure has been created which today, together with European volunteers and people on the move, makes the following projects possible: a Free Shop with hygiene articles, a laundry service and a clothing distribution for men, women and children.
Ukraine Info Hub
The LNOB Ukraine Info Hub works on the structured expansion of humanitarian aid for our partner organizations and the civil population in Ukraine. In cooperation with various German organizations, we acquire in-kind and financial donations in Germany to sustainably support organizations and platforms in Ukraine and the border regions. This involves, for example, the delivery of larger volumes of food, hygiene articles and medicines.
ROSA Rolling Safespace
An estimated 1 in 5 women experience sexual violence while fleeing, although the number of unreported cases is believed to be much higher. The people behind Rolling Safespace want to change that and have converted a truck into a Safespace, which they use to travel from camp to camp in Greece to give women a safe place to go. In and around the truck, there is medical counseling, workshop offerings (from self-defense to knitting), discussion groups on body-related topics, and childcare. The women are safe and can escape the camp for a short time. The team works according to an intersectional and postcolonial approach and closely with the women on site. The refugee women find a supervised conversation room, basic medical care, and various sports and exercise activities. Donations ensure the daily maintenance of the Safe Space and funding for the crew.
Visions for Children
The situation in Afghanistan has been disastrous since the Taliban seized power. One of the groups suffering the most are girls: about half of the Afghan schoolgirls have been denied school attendance for more than a year. Visions for Children has found a way to support Afghan schoolgirls despite this. A new school construction project will reach about 1,000 students in a region of the country where girls of all grades can still go to school. In order to provide them with high-quality education, the construction of new classrooms is urgently needed, as they are currently taught in the hallway or in tents.
HÁWAR.help operates in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq is receiving less and less public attention, while conditions continue to worsen. HÁWAR.help has been active in Iraq for years and puts a great emphasis on educational projects for women and girls. The donations support the BACK TO LIFE & BACK TO SCHOOL projects, covering the salaries of up to 30 teachers and improving the learning conditions and quality of teaching for approximately 2,195 students. 12 classrooms are to be built, as well as a laboratory and a library. In Afghanistan, since the takeover of the Taliban, the operation of houses in which women seeking protection can stay overnight, has been prohibited.
Aegean Boat Report
Illegal pushbacks are a daily occurrence at European borders. In order to take action against them, they need to be well documented and collated. The Aegean Boat Report reports 24/7 about incidents at the borders and thus enables quick help and monitoring of "border officials''. One practice the Aegean Boat Report has been able to highlight many times: Refugees who had already reached the bottom of Lesbos are picked up by masked men, often abused, kidnapped and abandoned in the open sea on maneuverless "life rafts." There they drift until the Turkish coast guard picks them up and brings them back to Turkey. Documenting them and gathering the information is critical. Because good information not only ensures that helpers can be on the scene faster in emergencies, good information is also the best weapon against cover-up attempts by governments and their coast guards. The Aegean Boat Report has thus become an essential building block in the work of NGOs in the Aegean. Through its work, emergencies are noticed more quickly and people are rescued.
BASE UA was founded by activists and journalists in the wake of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and focuses primarily on evacuation from the most heavily embattled areas of the country. BASE UA is one of the last organizations to bring people threatened by the Russian invasion to safety from Bachmut, Lysychansk or Severodonetsk. But BASE's work does not stop at evacuation: People should receive sustainable support. Among other things, two camps were organized with children and young people who had to flee the war. There they received art and trauma work.