
Tolou is a non-profit association with the goal of promoting access to education and housing, as well as personal development. In the new camp on Lesvos, they have built a team of eleven Afghan volunteer teachers who design and lead classes there depending on their own abilities. On Lesvos alone, more than 200 students benefit from this service every day. However, several hundred refugees also live in Mytilene, which is why Tolou is also opening a classroom in this town, where around 100 students have the opportunity to learn English, French, Greek and painting. In order to offer psychological stability to its participants, Tolou has also rented two apartments in Athens to accommodate people and offer them a safe space while they complete administrative procedures and have the opportunity to attend to professional or family matters.

SOS Bihać

Through first aid, food and clothing distributions, SOS Bihać supports people on the move who do not have access to food, clothing, sanitation and emergency medical assistance. In addition to refugees, SOS Bihać also supported the poverty-stricken population of the Una Sana region, for example by distributing free sanitizers and protective masks. The peaceful and respectful coexistence of all people is as important to SOS Bihać as the acute help in emergency situations. The situation of the refugees is constantly deteriorating. Several thousands of people are dependent on medical aid, clothing, sleeping bags, water and food provided by NGOs. Winter and cold make life unbearable in the forests around Bihać. Closed or overcrowded camps and push-backs at the Croatian borders further complicate the situation.

Low-Tech with Refugees

Low-Tech with Refugees was created to help refugees on the Greek island of Lesvos to develop and build creative technical solutions that are useful in everyday life. At the heart of the work is the operation of the Low-Tech Makerspace on the premises of One Happy Family, which houses a bicycle, wood, metal, and electronics workshop. In addition to providing tools and materials, the focus is on sharing knowledge and building skills. Their headquarters are in Briançon, France and they operate other sites there as well as in Marseille to work with refugees.

Earth Medicine Physical Rehabilitation

Fleeing is traumatic, both psychologically and physically. To support refugees, survivors of torture and war in their healing process, a group of activists and therapists founded EMPR. The organization offers physiotherapy, acupuncture, and rehabilitation programs to people in the camp on Lesvos. One example is a program to improve chronic injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder through the use of acupuncture, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage and herbal remedies. Through their work, EMPR has also created jobs for refugees who work, for example, as interpreters. The activists regularly go to the camp to care for people with physical disabilities.

Support of smaller NGOs with consumables

We have set up a fund on Lesvos in cooperation with a Greek NGO (Lesvos Solidarity), where small NGOs can use the original receipts to claim money for consumables (for example food and hygiene products), so that they can focus on the work on the ground and expand their capacities there.

Action for Women

The Pomegranate Project is a women-led initiative designed and implemented by, for and with women. They provide a holistic protection and empowerment model for women who have fled to Europe, prioritizing women at risk of and survivors of gender-based violence. Further they offer a women-only safe space, secure housing, mental health and psychosocial support, case management, and income-generating opportunities to develop and strengthen the skills, resources, and resilience of women who have fled to Europe. Their mostly Greek team helps build networks of support and solidarity between displaced women and the Greek community. This holistic model helps women regain their power - both individually and collectively.

Makerspace Lesvos

Camps for refugees are one of some of the worst places in the world. Some people live there for years under precarious conditions without any prospects. The goal of Makerspace Lesvos is to make life a little easier for the people by providing simple support. The people behind this small organization, many of them themselves refugees living in the camp, help repair and exchange phones, bicycles and clothes. They also teach each other how to make repairs in workshops. This solves problems - and provides small joys. The space allows people to share their technical skills, continue to develop them, and learn new ones. Being a valuable part of a team often restores the refugees' confidence. They reclaim some of the respect and dignity that is often lost through the systematic disempowerment and repression of humanity in the camps.

Healthbridge Medical Organization

Healthbridge Medical has spent the last year filling gaps in care on the ground in Lesvos - whether it's providing medical care during emergency shifts, offering medical translation services at multiple locations, or managing complex medical cases. Healthbridge Medical has tried to find ways how to complement the work of other NGOs that also provide medical care. With over two dozen refugees working on their team, it gives them a unique perspective on the needs of people on the move. Rather than telling refugees what they need to do to feel better, they do their best to connect them to the very resources that make things better. This may include connecting them to existing resources or meeting medical needs that are otherwise unavailable, such as MRIs, CT scans, and complex blood tests. As the situation changes and new barriers arise, they want to continue to try to make this part of the journey as humane as possible.

LeaveNoOneBehind Soforthilfe

As part of the emergency relief, team members from our #LeaveNoOneBehind team on the ground in Lesvos went shopping together with the people from the new Moria camp in order to meet individual essential needs of the people in the camp while bringing maximum self-determination and dignity to the people. Together we bought a variety of goods in the form of food, hygiene products, electric heaters, blankets, clothing and the like for and with the camp residents.

Viva Con Aqua

Viva con Agua supports clean drinking water worldwide! They support water, sanitation and hygiene projects with local and international partner organizations and a network of people. In cooperation with UNICEF, Viva con Agua provides clean drinking water and hygiene kits to families in Ukraine and in support centers near the border.

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