Supported projects

#LeaveNoOneBehind offers a platform for local and solidarity projects – fast support guaranteed. Thanks to your donations, we have been able to support over 100 partner organizations in their important work since 2020. The projects are often actively run by refugees themselves or the organizations actively support those seeking protection in solidarity.

On this page you can find all the initiatives and organizations that have been supported so far.

All projects

ROSA Rolling Safespace

An estimated 1 in 5 women experience sexual violence while fleeing, although the number of unreported cases is believed to be much higher. The people behind Rolling Safespace want to change that and have converted a truck into a Safespace, which they use to travel from camp to camp in Greece to give women a safe place to go. In and around the truck, there is medical counseling, workshop offerings (from self-defense to knitting), discussion groups on body-related topics, and childcare. The women are safe and can escape the camp for a short time. The team works according to an intersectional and postcolonial approach and closely with the women on site. The refugee women find a supervised conversation room, basic medical care, and various sports and exercise activities. Donations ensure the daily maintenance of the Safe Space and funding for the crew.

Mare Liberum

Mare Liberum documents human rights violations and border violence against people on the move in the Aegean Sea. On the life-threatening escape route between Turkey and Greece, migrants are regularly pushed back by the authorities using violent methods to prevent them from reaching Europe. By publishing testimonies, Mare Liberum makes the voices of affected people visible and fights collectively for the strengthening of basic human rights. By collecting and publishing data on the general situation in the Aegean Sea, the pressure on the relevant authorities to ensure that human rights are respected is increased.


TMR Refugee Aid Ukraine Berlin e.V. was founded in the course of the war in Ukraine at the beginning of March to support people fleeing the war zone. TMR operates in the region around Odessa and evacuates in difficult missions mainly people behind the Russian frontline. The donations are used e.g. for the purchase of evacuation vehicles or the monthly fuel costs.


HÁ operates in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq is receiving less and less public attention, while conditions continue to worsen. HÁ has been active in Iraq for years and puts a great emphasis on educational projects for women and girls. The donations support the BACK TO LIFE & BACK TO SCHOOL projects, covering the salaries of up to 30 teachers and improving the learning conditions and quality of teaching for approximately 2,195 students. 12 classrooms are to be built, as well as a laboratory and a library. In Afghanistan, since the takeover of the Taliban, the operation of houses in which women seeking protection can stay overnight, has been prohibited.

The Hope Project

The Hope Project Greece has been providing assistance to refugees arriving on Lesvos since early 2015. It does so based on the principles of dignity, compassion and safety for all. The robbery of the human dignity of refugees and the way they are treated cannot be accepted in Europe. Volunteers provide about 30 families daily with things they need, such as hygiene products, diapers, clothes, shoes, blankets and much more.

Boat Theater Group

People sometimes live for years in refugee camps without any perspective and under the most precarious circumstances. In order to confront the lack of hope and perspective, a group of refugees on Lesvos founded the "Boat Theater Group". 14 people come together regularly in this group to develop creatively and rehearse. In August 2021, the group performed their play for 10 days at the LeaveNoOneBehind Warehouse next to the camp, creating a place of encounter and art alongside the horror of the camp. In the meantime, the project has moved to Athens.

Human Aid Now

Human Aid Now provides medical care on the Greek island of Samos. Due to overcrowded camps and lack of services, medical care on the island is inadequate. With a group of 15 to 30 volunteers and translators, Human Aid Now provides basic medical care to over a hundred people daily and refers medical cases to the hospital. Due to the closure rules during the Corona pandemic, additional medical office space was needed. In addition, international volunteers could no longer come to the island, so Human Aid Now had asked a group of volunteers to remain in Greece during the lockdown to maintain operations. Therefore, the Safe Passage Foundation supported Human Aid Now in 2020 with 3427,50€ to cover the costs of medical office space, accommodation and food for the volunteers.

WIR – Water Is Right

The supply of clean water is the very basis of life. But in more and more countries, global crises and the climate crisis are making a water supply increasingly difficult to obtain. The Water is Right Foundation supports the realization of the right to clean and abundant water and adequate sanitation and hygiene - in Africa, Asia and the Americas. Donations ensure reliable access to clean and adequate water for more than 250,000 people in Haiti and on the African continent.

Just Action – Samos

On the Greek island of Samos, refugees are completely isolated from the villages and towns of the island: high security fences, surveillance cameras and security forces turn the place into a prison. Since April 2020, Just Action activists' free food supermarket on the Greek island of Samos has been supporting the local, as well as the refugee community with food packages and hygiene items. In addition to the food parcels and hygiene items, Just Action Samos volunteers cover the cost of the bus tickets that the refugees need to get from the camp to the food distribution. The goal is to ensure food security for all those in need on the island, while building more resilient structures to ensure future access to food for all people on Samos.

Salvamento Marítimo Humanitario

The Aita Mari is a rescue ship operated by the Basque NGO Salvamento Maritimo Humanitario (SMH). The Aita Mari has recently completed modifications to adapt to Italian requirements and is now operational again to rescue people fleeing war and violence in their countries of origin. The ship has space for 120 people on deck and is equipped with a small clinic, as well as a rescue and medical crew.

Low-Tech with Refugees

Low-Tech with Refugees was created to help refugees on the Greek island of Lesvos to develop and build creative technical solutions that are useful in everyday life. At the heart of the work is the operation of the Low-Tech Makerspace on the premises of One Happy Family, which houses a bicycle, wood, metal, and electronics workshop. In addition to providing tools and materials, the focus is on sharing knowledge and building skills. Their headquarters are in Briançon, France and they operate other sites there as well as in Marseille to work with refugees.


Education, exercise and a sense of belonging are essential for the healthy development of young people. Unfortunately, especially girls with a history of flight and immigration and from disadvantaged families often find it difficult to access support programs, not least because of cultural and financial hurdles. This is where the human rights activists of HÁ step in with their SCORING GIRLS* program. SCORING GIRLS* is an empowerment project for girls between the ages of 9 and 18, which the former Bundesliga player, Tuğba Tekkal, launched in Cologne in 2016. Over 900 girls from 15 different countries are thus supported through sports training, ethics workshops and cultural excursions.

Infomobile Greece

Infomobile is an anti-racist direct democratic organization with people from different backgrounds that has been active in Greece for more than a decade. They meet people walking in the streets, squares and outside the camps, both on the Aegean islands and on the mainland. They share and exchange information in non-hierarchical meetings and create resources that are freely shared. Also they support individuals with legal advice and, in emergencies, legal aid to fight against discriminatory and dysfunctional procedures and repressive laws that put people behind bars, hinder access to international protection and shelter, expose children to dangers that keep families and regular residents apart with no prospects for the future. The focus of their work is to support the struggle of those who come to Greece for their right to stay and legal ways out of Greece, such as family reunifications.

Healthbridge Medical Organization

Healthbridge Medical has spent the last year filling gaps in care on the ground in Lesvos - whether it's providing medical care during emergency shifts, offering medical translation services at multiple locations, or managing complex medical cases. Healthbridge Medical has tried to find ways how to complement the work of other NGOs that also provide medical care. With over two dozen refugees working on their team, it gives them a unique perspective on the needs of people on the move. Rather than telling refugees what they need to do to feel better, they do their best to connect them to the very resources that make things better. This may include connecting them to existing resources or meeting medical needs that are otherwise unavailable, such as MRIs, CT scans, and complex blood tests. As the situation changes and new barriers arise, they want to continue to try to make this part of the journey as humane as possible.


Tolou is a non-profit association with the goal of promoting access to education and housing, as well as personal development. In the new camp on Lesvos, they have built a team of eleven Afghan volunteer teachers who design and lead classes there depending on their own abilities. On Lesvos alone, more than 200 students benefit from this service every day. However, several hundred refugees also live in Mytilene, which is why Tolou is also opening a classroom in this town, where around 100 students have the opportunity to learn English, French, Greek and painting. In order to offer psychological stability to its participants, Tolou has also rented two apartments in Athens to accommodate people and offer them a safe space while they complete administrative procedures and have the opportunity to attend to professional or family matters.

Spirit of Football

Spirit of Football (SoF) is a non-profit organization that uses the power of soccer, theater and art to bring about positive social change. SoF is now offering four workshops for twelve days each in Lesvos at Camp Moria. FairPlay soccer, creativity and teamwork methods are used in this program. In addition to the workshops for the children, SoF also offers two-day workshops each for older refugees to train them as pedagogical facilitators. Equipped with a collection of pedagogical methods, self-confidence and motivation, SoF pursues the goal of awakening resilience and joie de vivre in its workshop participants.

Yoga and Sport For Refugees

Yoga and Sports For Refugees aims to empower refugees through sports, integrating them into the community and improving their physical and mental health. The sports offered, which range from swimming courses to martial arts and yoga, are largely carried out and instructed by the refugees themselves. When people live in a camp, sometimes for years, this can have a catastrophic effect on their mental and physical health. Sports activities, ranging from swimming courses to martial arts and yoga, can play a decisive role in counteracting it. The sports activities of Yoga and Sports for Refugees additionally break down ethnic and religious barriers and create a meeting point and cooperation between cultures.


Wefugees answers questions from refugees with an online community and is now organizing on short notice online support for refugees from Ukraine.

Mushkila Kabira

Mushkila Kabira is the English transliteration of an Arabic phrase meaning ‘big problem’. This is the phrase its founders heard when they began volunteering in Greece, and it's the perfect way to introduce what sparked the creation of the Mobile Info Team itself. Mobile Info Team is a volunteer organization that provides information to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Greece and other European countries about the asylum procedure and other relevant issues. The team also supports individual cases, mainly in family reunifications, but also, for example, in the preparation for the asylum hearing or applications for integration measures. In addition, Mobile Info Team collects testimonials from asylum seekers to support their rights through public relations.


STELP e.V. is a non-profit organization from Stuttgart and supports in crisis areas with a network of volunteers, partners and sponsors through fast and direct access to food, sanitary products, clothing and clean water. With projects on three continents, STELP's long-term goal is to sustainably improve the lives of people in need by helping them to help themselves. For LeaveNoOneBehind, STELP e.V. provided rapid emergency aid in Camp Lipa after a fire broke out there. On site, they provided people with necessities including sleeping bags, blankets, cooking pots and food packages. At the same time, STELP has increased capacity for teaching on the ground in Lesvos in cooperation with the School of Peace and delivered more than 500 tons of relief supplies to Ukraine and the embattled areas. Donations and funding is used to finance further aid transports and to purchase urgently needed relief supplies. Besides, STELP is working specifically on the immediate evacuation of people from Ukraine, which is directly funded by the grant.


WARRIORS take care of the procurement and collection of relief supplies and ensure further coordination as well as necessary resources to transport them to Lviv. Thereby structures are used, which already existed before the war.

We for Kids

We For Kids is committed to the development of children living in Samos HotSpot Camp between the ages of three and nine. They provide them with home-cooked, hot and healthy meals to strengthen their health. We for Kids was co-founded by Barbara, herself a refugee who arrived in Samos four years ago, and Evangelos, a local businessman. Together they now work with refugee children and adults as well as the local population on Samos.

LeaveNoOneBehind Soforthilfe

As part of the emergency relief, team members from our #LeaveNoOneBehind team on the ground in Lesvos went shopping together with the people from the new Moria camp in order to meet individual essential needs of the people in the camp while bringing maximum self-determination and dignity to the people. Together we bought a variety of goods in the form of food, hygiene products, electric heaters, blankets, clothing and the like for and with the camp residents.

Little Lotus

The Little Lotus Learning Center is an unusual educational institution. They work with refugee children in the town of Mytilene and follow the approach of learning through play, interaction and creativity. Daily activities are provided to give the children not only structure, but also something to look forward to each day. Little Lotus Learning Center is a safe place for children and a place of kindness, support, encouragement and joy. Since the opening of our Community Center, Little Lotus has been running the kindergarten in it.

Sea Punks

The Sea Punk activists have seen enough people dying every day while fleeing across the Mediterranean over the last decades. As a non-profit organization, the Sea Punks have only one goal in mind: Civilian sea rescue in the Mediterranean Sea with a rescue-capable ship. They have bought a ship, the Sea Punk One, so that they can save the lives of refugees in the Mediterranean. Sea Punks and its volunteers want to help people who are denied our privileges. They help people who leave their homes to flee war, violence, poverty and exploitation. The Sea Punks team is made up of people with very different talents. The volunteer activists cover many fields. From craftsmen to therapists, media workers, social workers to lawyers - their motto: Just do it!

We become active where states fail to act. But only with your support!

With our work we put pressure on German politics to take responsibility and finally change something! Your donations will be used for the #LeaveNoOneBehind campaign: For our own projects, as well as for funded projects and organizations that provide urgently needed support at the EU’s external borders and refugee routes.

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