Supported projects

#LeaveNoOneBehind offers a platform for local and solidarity projects – fast support guaranteed. Thanks to your donations, we have been able to support over 100 partner organizations in their important work since 2020. The projects are often actively run by refugees themselves or the organizations actively support those seeking protection in solidarity.

On this page you can find all the initiatives and organizations that have been supported so far.

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We for Kids

We For Kids is committed to the development of children living in Samos HotSpot Camp between the ages of three and nine. They provide them with home-cooked, hot and healthy meals to strengthen their health. We for Kids was co-founded by Barbara, herself a refugee who arrived in Samos four years ago, and Evangelos, a local businessman. Together they now work with refugee children and adults as well as the local population on Samos.

Visions for Children

The situation in Afghanistan has been disastrous since the Taliban seized power. One of the groups suffering the most are girls: about half of the Afghan schoolgirls have been denied school attendance for more than a year. Visions for Children has found a way to support Afghan schoolgirls despite this. A new school construction project will reach about 1,000 students in a region of the country where girls of all grades can still go to school. In order to provide them with high-quality education, the construction of new classrooms is urgently needed, as they are currently taught in the hallway or in tents.

Wave of Hope for the Future

Wave of Hope for the Future is a network of self-organized schools - by refugees for refugees. The initiative was started by refugees in Moria camp on Lesvos and quickly expanded to other camps in Greece. In early 2019, Zekria Farzad began offering classes for children in the "olive grove" around Camp Moria. His only tool: a whiteboard on a bench. The initiative was quickly joined by other refugees. The initiative was quickly joined by other people on the move. Together, they began to build a network of schools that today offer classes in Art, English, Greek, Physical Education and other subjects to more than 4,000 students, and are even helping to rebuild a school in Afghanistan. The Wave of Hope School is an impressive example of refugees organizing themselves in the various camps and contributing to the enrichment of a diverse society.

Mare Liberum

Mare Liberum documents human rights violations and border violence against people on the move in the Aegean Sea. On the life-threatening escape route between Turkey and Greece, migrants are regularly pushed back by the authorities using violent methods to prevent them from reaching Europe. By publishing testimonies, Mare Liberum makes the voices of affected people visible and fights collectively for the strengthening of basic human rights. By collecting and publishing data on the general situation in the Aegean Sea, the pressure on the relevant authorities to ensure that human rights are respected is increased.

Civilian Crisis Unit Network

The Civilian Crisis Unit Network is an association of more than 30 NGOs from all over Germany. The people behind these NGOs are currently transporting over 150 pallets full of furnishings to set up a children's rehab in Ukraine to support children who have been through the worst. This is just one of many examples of the work being done by the Civilian Crisis Unit Network. The initiative brings together food, medical supplies, blankets and many other urgently needed relief items in warehouses and ships them to Ukraine in close cooperation with Ukrainian organizations.

Attika Human Support

Attika operates one of the largest warehouses for in-kind donations on the island of Lesvos, playing an important role in the distribution of aid to Lesvos, Samos, Chios, Kos and mainland Greece. Many refugees usually have few personal belongings when they arrive on the island and are in need of warm, dry clothing and shoes. The Attica team sorts, delivers or arranges pickup for the supporting NGOs, which distribute the in-kind donations as part of their own aid programs. In conjunction with this mass distribution, Attika also packs specifically requested items daily and delivers them directly to camp residents.

The Hope Project

The Hope Project Greece has been providing assistance to refugees arriving on Lesvos since early 2015. It does so based on the principles of dignity, compassion and safety for all. The robbery of the human dignity of refugees and the way they are treated cannot be accepted in Europe. Volunteers provide about 30 families daily with things they need, such as hygiene products, diapers, clothes, shoes, blankets and much more.

UNDE Association

Romania is one of the poorest countries in Europe and hosts a large number of Ukrainian refugees. With the donations, the UNDE Association is implementing projects in Romania to build intercultural activities for Ukrainian refugees. Romanian and English language courses, vocational training for women, educational and recreational activities for children, as well as excursions and intercultural activities between Ukrainian and Romanian children are organized.

SOS Bihać

Through first aid, food and clothing distributions, SOS Bihać supports people on the move who do not have access to food, clothing, sanitation and emergency medical assistance. In addition to refugees, SOS Bihać also supported the poverty-stricken population of the Una Sana region, for example by distributing free sanitizers and protective masks. The peaceful and respectful coexistence of all people is as important to SOS Bihać as the acute help in emergency situations. The situation of the refugees is constantly deteriorating. Several thousands of people are dependent on medical aid, clothing, sleeping bags, water and food provided by NGOs. Winter and cold make life unbearable in the forests around Bihać. Closed or overcrowded camps and push-backs at the Croatian borders further complicate the situation.

ROSA Rolling Safespace

An estimated 1 in 5 women experience sexual violence while fleeing, although the number of unreported cases is believed to be much higher. The people behind Rolling Safespace want to change that and have converted a truck into a Safespace, which they use to travel from camp to camp in Greece to give women a safe place to go. In and around the truck, there is medical counseling, workshop offerings (from self-defense to knitting), discussion groups on body-related topics, and childcare. The women are safe and can escape the camp for a short time. The team works according to an intersectional and postcolonial approach and closely with the women on site. The refugee women find a supervised conversation room, basic medical care, and various sports and exercise activities. Donations ensure the daily maintenance of the Safe Space and funding for the crew.

Contact and Counseling Center for Refugees and Migrants (KuB)

The Contact and Counseling Center for Refugees and Migrants (KuB) is a non-profit association in Berlin. The KuB supports refugees and migrants from all over the world and advises on questions regarding asylum and residence rights. Support is also provided for psychological and social problems. The funding enables the organization of German courses and leisure activities for precarious migrants.

Yoga and Sport For Refugees

Yoga and Sports For Refugees aims to empower refugees through sports, integrating them into the community and improving their physical and mental health. The sports offered, which range from swimming courses to martial arts and yoga, are largely carried out and instructed by the refugees themselves. When people live in a camp, sometimes for years, this can have a catastrophic effect on their mental and physical health. Sports activities, ranging from swimming courses to martial arts and yoga, can play a decisive role in counteracting it. The sports activities of Yoga and Sports for Refugees additionally break down ethnic and religious barriers and create a meeting point and cooperation between cultures.

Nachbarschaft e. V.

"Freiwillig Helfen" (FH) is a Berlin based network for refugees with a focus on integration assistance. Founded by volunteers from a Berlin emergency shelter, it provides non-partisan and non-denominational aid wherever help is urgently needed. In response to the war in Ukraine, FH has reactivated the "Volunteer Planner", which was already used in 2015 to successfully coordinate and organize tens of thousands of helpers across Europe. It is a non-commercial open source tool by volunteers for volunteers to easily and efficiently organize thousands of helpers.

Equal Rights Beyond Borders

Human rights violations against refugees at the Greek borders are becoming more severe every year. Equal Rights Beyond Borders is a Greek-German human rights organization that stands by the side of those seeking protection and supports them legally in their fight against undignified living conditions in the refugee camps, or against unlawful detention and illegal deportations. Among other things, ERBB finances the salary of a lawyer in Athens through our donations.

Women in Solidarity House

The Women in Solidarity House is a space for women living in the refugee camps Moria 2 and Kara Tepe. The Women in Solidarity House provides a safe environment for the women here and creates a shared community.

Medical Volunteers International

People often suffer severe violence and are exposed to extreme situations during their flight to safety. The question of whether medical care is available can therefore often make the difference between life and death. Many of the people seeking protection who cross the Mediterranean in rubber boats arrive on Lesvos with terrible traumas and health problems. Medical Volunteers International treats up to 1000 people per month in Greece with basic medical care, psychological support, health promotion courses and much more.

Just Action – Samos

On the Greek island of Samos, refugees are completely isolated from the villages and towns of the island: high security fences, surveillance cameras and security forces turn the place into a prison. Since April 2020, Just Action activists' free food supermarket on the Greek island of Samos has been supporting the local, as well as the refugee community with food packages and hygiene items. In addition to the food parcels and hygiene items, Just Action Samos volunteers cover the cost of the bus tickets that the refugees need to get from the camp to the food distribution. The goal is to ensure food security for all those in need on the island, while building more resilient structures to ensure future access to food for all people on Samos.


As a transnational network that exists in times of increasing polarization and the increasing divergence of the media, N-Ost is breaking new ground in foreign journalism. As journalists in Ukraine are in great danger, N-Ost provides equipment necessary for survival, tries to provide psychological care and to support them in the field as well as in exile in their increasingly challenging work.

SOS Balkanroute

For years, the situation of people fleeing across the so-called Balkan route has been getting worse and worse. Closed borders, illegal and violent pushbacks, as well as completely inadequate conditions in the Bosnian camps deprive the protection seekers of their rights and often put them in life-threatening situations. SOS Balkanroute is committed to helping people who have almost completely disappeared from the news and has been organizing collection drives and donation transports along the Balkan route since 2019. They also provide medical care and have built up a network of helpers along the Balkan route.


Alliance4Ukraine is a coordinating alliance of civil society organizations, foundations, government institutions, and businesses. The goal of the alliance is to create an ecosystem of interlocking solutions to the needs of people on the move. The supporting organizations from the Alliance4Ukraine want to strengthen existing - primarily civil society - structures in Germany that can, in particular, enable or facilitate the reception of people on the move.

The Shower Box

We operate a Community Center on Lesvos, with 40 hot water showers, consisting of four containers with ten showers each. Also, there is a container with toilets. In addition to providing urgently needed shower and washing facilities in general, the project also serves to treat itch mites, which are currently spreading in the camp on Lesvos. It is also an important contribution to protecting the privacy of the people in the camp.

Be an Angel

Children in the Russian-occupied regions are often at risk of forced adoption. The association Be an Angel focuses its work in Ukraine on evacuations of more than 16,000 threatened families from the Donbass region and especially on the problem of children at risk.

Aachener Netzwerk

The "Aachener Netzwerk" for humanitarian aid and intercultural peace work was founded in 1993. At the time of the Yugoslavian wars, they brought transports of relief supplies to the civilians in need. Later, projects such as the children's circus Pinocchio served to bring people of different origins closer together. The "Aachener Netzwerk" is a non-profit association for the active and solidary fight against suffering and need - on the one hand through humanitarian aid projects, on the other hand through long-term projects for peace and international understanding.

Viva Con Aqua

Viva con Agua supports clean drinking water worldwide! They support water, sanitation and hygiene projects with local and international partner organizations and a network of people. In cooperation with UNICEF, Viva con Agua provides clean drinking water and hygiene kits to families in Ukraine and in support centers near the border.

No Name Kitchen

The independent movement No Name Kitchen was founded in 2017 by volunteers and people on the move and supporting people in search of a better life along the Balkan and Mediterranean routes. Since day one, the activists have placed great emphasis on ensuring that all actions are based on the needs, suggestions and feedback of the people on the move. Volunteer teams are stationed at border crossings where people fleeing face long journeys and violent rejections. There, they are trying to combine humanitarian and political measures to equip people with resources for self-protection. No Name Kitchen provides access to medical care, food, and clothing while denouncing border abuses to raise awareness and advocate for policy change.

We become active where states fail to act. But only with your support!

With our work we put pressure on German politics to take responsibility and finally change something! Your donations will be used for the #LeaveNoOneBehind campaign: For our own projects, as well as for funded projects and organizations that provide urgently needed support at the EU’s external borders and refugee routes.

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