Supported projects

#LeaveNoOneBehind offers a platform for local and solidarity projects – fast support guaranteed. Thanks to your donations, we have been able to support over 100 partner organizations in their important work since 2020. The projects are often actively run by refugees themselves or the organizations actively support those seeking protection in solidarity.

On this page you can find all the initiatives and organizations that have been supported so far.

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Rapid Aid Liaison Group

Launched in direct response to the Russian war of aggression, the Rapid Aid Liaison Group provides solutions to medical problems. For example, it provides coordination and logistics, places volunteer medical professionals, and creates digital consultation services. The donation enabled Ukrainian surgeons to stay and train in Heidelberg in order to learn new microsurgical procedures.

Human Plus

Human Plus is a non-profit organization that provides humanitarian aid around the world. In Iran, Human Plus has been funding legal fees, security deposits, medical assistance, safe shelters and support for relatives as part of an emergency relief program since the start of the revolution. In addition, the repression of Kurdish minorities is escalating in some provinces. The images that get through are heartbreaking. Human Plus organizes emergency aid for the purchase of medicine and food in order to not leave the Kurdish people in Iran behind.


Several cities in Ukraine are under continuous bombardment by Russian artillery and air strikes. Acute disaster relief and firefighting are one of the main needs in the embattled regions. at-Fire specializes in international disaster relief and with the help of donations is able to buy expensive special equipment to improve Ukrainian disaster relief and at the same time train Ukrainian rescue workers.

The Hope Project

The Hope Project Greece has been providing assistance to refugees arriving on Lesvos since early 2015. It does so based on the principles of dignity, compassion and safety for all. The robbery of the human dignity of refugees and the way they are treated cannot be accepted in Europe. Volunteers provide about 30 families daily with things they need, such as hygiene products, diapers, clothes, shoes, blankets and much more.

Community Volunteers

We have been working with the people from the camp for over a year and include them in our daily work at the LNOB Warehouse and Community Center. In this way, we give the refugees a space to develop and to escape the daily life of the camp for a while. Additionally, we offer educational programs, such as English classes three times a week.

Lesvos Solidarity

Lesvos has become a test center where EU governments and institutions test harmful asylum and migration policies and practices. It is crucial to document and denounce the harmful effects and consequences of these policies and practices on the lives of the people of Lesvos and to strengthen their voices from the root. In the current context, the Lesvos Solidarity Movement seeks to expand its advocacy and outreach efforts. This project aims to support the Lesvos Solidarity Movement in its efforts to combat these inhumane policies by ensuring better coordination between key actors on the ground and building proactive strategies and collaborations across Europe.


The activists behind the organization Libereco have been involved in Ukraine since the beginning of the war in 2014 and since February have been particularly committed to helping families, the elderly and people with disabilities. Since there is a lack of medical care and nursing facilities in large parts of the country, the organization has set itself the goal of renovating old people's and nursing homes and setting up assisted living together with local partner organizations. At the same time, Libereco is working on evacuations. In September, Libereco volunteers evacuated a family from one of the frontline regions in Ukraine. A few days later, the family's home was completely destroyed by a missile. It is often hours that make the difference between life and death.


CADUS is a non-profit and independent aid organization that initiates innovative and sustainable projects with a focus on medical care. Their primary goal is to help people to help themselves in line with their needs. The funding was used, for example, to implement a mobile modular medical care system for the Greek islands. The medical care situation on the Greek islands has only existed at all for people on the move because small NGOs have been working tirelessly to help against all the repression on the ground. The capacities and possible medical services have always been limited, and the situation has worsened massively due to the pandemic. CADUS built on the experience of the first mobile hospital for northeast Syria to create an even more mobile concept of a modular hospital on Lesvos, which can respond quickly and flexibly to the medical emergency on the ground. Thus, testing and treatment capacities were expanded and isolation tents for infected persons were provided. CADUS is also establishing a MEDEVAC system for the hostilities in Ukraine.

Attika Human Support

Attika operates one of the largest warehouses for in-kind donations on the island of Lesvos, playing an important role in the distribution of aid to Lesvos, Samos, Chios, Kos and mainland Greece. Many refugees usually have few personal belongings when they arrive on the island and are in need of warm, dry clothing and shoes. The Attica team sorts, delivers or arranges pickup for the supporting NGOs, which distribute the in-kind donations as part of their own aid programs. In conjunction with this mass distribution, Attika also packs specifically requested items daily and delivers them directly to camp residents.

Women in Solidarity House

The Women in Solidarity House is a space for women living in the refugee camps Moria 2 and Kara Tepe. The Women in Solidarity House provides a safe environment for the women here and creates a shared community.

UNDE Association

Romania is one of the poorest countries in Europe and hosts a large number of Ukrainian refugees. With the donations, the UNDE Association is implementing projects in Romania to build intercultural activities for Ukrainian refugees. Romanian and English language courses, vocational training for women, educational and recreational activities for children, as well as excursions and intercultural activities between Ukrainian and Romanian children are organized.


Nearly 25,000. That's the grim number of people who have officially drowned in the Mediterranean since 2014. Not through "boat mishaps" or "accidents," but through political calculations that have made the Mediterranean the deadliest escape route in the world. With the end of state-run sea rescue, a void has been left in the Mediterranean that NGOs have been trying to fill for years. Sea-Eye is one of the sea rescue organizations active on the deadliest escape routes. Sea-Eye searches for people in distress at sea and who are struggling against drowning. Sea-Eye's actions are a response to the failed migration policies of the European Union, which refuses to accept its responsibility for the thousands of deaths in the Mediterranean.

Infomobile Greece

Infomobile is an anti-racist direct democratic organization with people from different backgrounds that has been active in Greece for more than a decade. They meet people walking in the streets, squares and outside the camps, both on the Aegean islands and on the mainland. They share and exchange information in non-hierarchical meetings and create resources that are freely shared. Also they support individuals with legal advice and, in emergencies, legal aid to fight against discriminatory and dysfunctional procedures and repressive laws that put people behind bars, hinder access to international protection and shelter, expose children to dangers that keep families and regular residents apart with no prospects for the future. The focus of their work is to support the struggle of those who come to Greece for their right to stay and legal ways out of Greece, such as family reunifications.


Solibus is a nonprofit, socio-political project that uses two intercity buses to quickly reach places where solidarity support is urgently needed. For example, on November 9, 2021, the Solibus drove packed with relief supplies to the Polish/Belarusian border, where people in the forests were exposed to massive violence and threatened with death from frostbite. Also, on the day the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine began, the Solibus went directly to the Polish/Ukrainian border to transport particularly discriminated groups away from the border to safety.

LeaveNoOneBehind Soforthilfe

As part of the emergency relief, team members from our #LeaveNoOneBehind team on the ground in Lesvos went shopping together with the people from the new Moria camp in order to meet individual essential needs of the people in the camp while bringing maximum self-determination and dignity to the people. Together we bought a variety of goods in the form of food, hygiene products, electric heaters, blankets, clothing and the like for and with the camp residents.


Education, exercise and a sense of belonging are essential for the healthy development of young people. Unfortunately, especially girls with a history of flight and immigration and from disadvantaged families often find it difficult to access support programs, not least because of cultural and financial hurdles. This is where the human rights activists of HÁ step in with their SCORING GIRLS* program. SCORING GIRLS* is an empowerment project for girls between the ages of 9 and 18, which the former Bundesliga player, Tuğba Tekkal, launched in Cologne in 2016. Over 900 girls from 15 different countries are thus supported through sports training, ethics workshops and cultural excursions.

We for Kids

We For Kids is committed to the development of children living in Samos HotSpot Camp between the ages of three and nine. They provide them with home-cooked, hot and healthy meals to strengthen their health. We for Kids was co-founded by Barbara, herself a refugee who arrived in Samos four years ago, and Evangelos, a local businessman. Together they now work with refugee children and adults as well as the local population on Samos.

No Nation Truck

The activists of the No Nation Truck collective came together in 2019 to counter the racist policy of deterrence at the external borders of the EU with solidarity. The goal of the helpers is to support people seeking protection in a direct and unbureaucratic way as sustainably and effectively as possible. Through the mobility of the extended lorry of No Nation Truck, the collective can act flexibly, provide medical assistance, food distribution, power supply, and documentation of border violence. The expanded truck also houses a kitchen, a first aid area, and a power system that can charge several dozen mobile devices.

Mushkila Kabira

Mushkila Kabira is the English transliteration of an Arabic phrase meaning ‘big problem’. This is the phrase its founders heard when they began volunteering in Greece, and it's the perfect way to introduce what sparked the creation of the Mobile Info Team itself. Mobile Info Team is a volunteer organization that provides information to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Greece and other European countries about the asylum procedure and other relevant issues. The team also supports individual cases, mainly in family reunifications, but also, for example, in the preparation for the asylum hearing or applications for integration measures. In addition, Mobile Info Team collects testimonials from asylum seekers to support their rights through public relations.

Clowns without Borders

Clowns without Borders regularly visit Lesvos for a few days and try to improve the situation of the children on site. The volunteer Clowns without Borders take into account the special situation of the children with refugee experience and consider both the respective cultural backgrounds and the difficult living situation in the refugee camps on Lesvos.

Arrival Aid

Arrival Aid is currently building capacity to support people upon arrival from Ukraine to quickly access jobs, education, and society.

ROSA Rolling Safespace

An estimated 1 in 5 women experience sexual violence while fleeing, although the number of unreported cases is believed to be much higher. The people behind Rolling Safespace want to change that and have converted a truck into a Safespace, which they use to travel from camp to camp in Greece to give women a safe place to go. In and around the truck, there is medical counseling, workshop offerings (from self-defense to knitting), discussion groups on body-related topics, and childcare. The women are safe and can escape the camp for a short time. The team works according to an intersectional and postcolonial approach and closely with the women on site. The refugee women find a supervised conversation room, basic medical care, and various sports and exercise activities. Donations ensure the daily maintenance of the Safe Space and funding for the crew.

No Name Kitchen

The independent movement No Name Kitchen was founded in 2017 by volunteers and people on the move and supporting people in search of a better life along the Balkan and Mediterranean routes. Since day one, the activists have placed great emphasis on ensuring that all actions are based on the needs, suggestions and feedback of the people on the move. Volunteer teams are stationed at border crossings where people fleeing face long journeys and violent rejections. There, they are trying to combine humanitarian and political measures to equip people with resources for self-protection. No Name Kitchen provides access to medical care, food, and clothing while denouncing border abuses to raise awareness and advocate for policy change.

The Shower Box

We operate a Community Center on Lesvos, with 40 hot water showers, consisting of four containers with ten showers each. Also, there is a container with toilets. In addition to providing urgently needed shower and washing facilities in general, the project also serves to treat itch mites, which are currently spreading in the camp on Lesvos. It is also an important contribution to protecting the privacy of the people in the camp.

Visions for Children

The situation in Afghanistan has been disastrous since the Taliban seized power. One of the groups suffering the most are girls: about half of the Afghan schoolgirls have been denied school attendance for more than a year. Visions for Children has found a way to support Afghan schoolgirls despite this. A new school construction project will reach about 1,000 students in a region of the country where girls of all grades can still go to school. In order to provide them with high-quality education, the construction of new classrooms is urgently needed, as they are currently taught in the hallway or in tents.

We become active where states fail to act. But only with your support!

With our work we put pressure on German politics to take responsibility and finally change something! Your donations will be used for the #LeaveNoOneBehind campaign: For our own projects, as well as for funded projects and organizations that provide urgently needed support at the EU’s external borders and refugee routes.

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